Individual Project

Dream Out Loud

Amsterdam (NL)

Studio Joost Grootens designed the exhibition graphics for the exhibition 'Dream Out Loud' presented at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

The recently opened group exhibition Dream Out Loud (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, until 1 January 2017) presents recent design projects that ‘figure out ways to solve today’s complex societal issues’. SJG has collaborated with Bart Guldemond who designed the spatial installation of Dream Out Loud. A shared point of departure for both the interior and the graphic design was the recognition that a presentation of so much design didn’t need another newly designed layer. Guldemond therefore worked with extrapolations of existing plinths, floors, ceilings and walls in the museum, and SJG based its graphic contributions on the existing identity of the museum, designed by Mevis & Van Deursen. A change of scale is the most important adjustment. Captions are printed in a larger typesize on 1 × 1,5 metre, light grey posters and distributed along the outer walls of the galleries. The larger typesize makes it possible for visitors to read the information without approaching the walls. Illustrations of the objects add visual references. Some of the posters are almost empty: they only show a horizontal black line on eye height. The line defines the boundaries of the exhibition.