Individual Project

Increasingly Fragmented

Lumen Travo, Amsterdam (NL)

In this solo exhibition Hans Scholten presents his latest works that are part of a project called Urban Future that he started in 2002.
Opening: 6 September, 17.00-19.00

In this exhibition Scholten uses new collage techniques in combination with sculpture elements. Hereby he focuses on processes of fragmentation as part of the experience and the development of the global urban environment.

In 2002, Hans Scholten started a project called Urban Future, his goal being to reflect on global urbanization through the medium of photography and sculpture in current times as well as in years to come. The project is conceived as a sculptural construct in which he deals with concepts such as space, orientation, networks, fragmentation and spatial presentation models. His starting point is a large archive of photographs and films which he took all over the world since the beginning of the Urban Future project. He researches various interpretations and combinations of the archive which open up new avenues of valuable knowledge which can influence conceptualizations about global urbanization. Within this debate, he reflects on ideas of ‘progress', values of failure and the entropic character of urban developments.

Urban Future #6, 2013 (detail)