
Workshop Ann Demeester

Ann Demeester (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) is director of de Appel arts centre and head of de Appel Curatorial Programme, Amsterdam. She is on the editorial board of the magazine F.R. David, and has recently published essays on Michael Borremans, Jennifer Tee, Salla Tykka, Sung Hwan Kim and Bjarne Melgaard. She co-curated the 10th Baltic Triennial (2009), and is the host of the programme ‘4Art’ on Dutch National Television. Previously, Demeester was director of W139, Amsterdam; assistant curator at S.M.A.K., Ghent; and curator at Museum Marta Herford, where she realized exhibitions with Luc Tuymans, Raoul De Keyser, Rui Chafes, Royden Rabinowitch, Rob Birza, Joe Scanlan, and Bjarne Melgaard.