Lilo Nein exhibits works about the relation of the working process and forms of presentation. Opening: 30 May, Concert at 18.00 and 20.00.
The exhibition The Space Between Concepts and Realisations shows four works that take different medial shapes. Text became print, copy, drawing, photograph, score, discussion and concert.
Performances with: Horváth Balázs, Martijn Comes, Raissa Fahlman, Maya Felixbrodt, Pierfrancesco Gava, Benjamin A. H. Harpsøe, Hannah Henderson, Mei Yi Le, Arefeh Riahi, Clara Riviere, Sissel Marie Tonn, Anne-Marie Twigge, Jorge Variego
In Cooperation with the Master Artistic Research, The Hague (Royal Academy of Art & Royal Conservatoire). With the friendly support of Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Oostenrijkse Ambassade Den Haag, Otto Mauer Fonds. Thanks to Stroom.